This post will demonstrate the commonly used Math functions.
1. abs() - this function is used to provide the absolute value(which ignores the negative sign). you can try this function by clicking the button and entering a value to find its absolute value.The code is avaliable
<input name="button" onclick="abs()" type="button" value="Absolue" />
<script type="text/javascript">
function abs(){
absvalue = prompt("Please enter a number:", " ");
alert('Absolute value of the number::'+Math.abs(absvalue));
2. ceil() - This function provides the next highest integer value.
Click on the ceil button to explore the functionality.
<input onclick="ceil()" type="button" value="ceil" />
<script type="text/javascript">
function ceil(){
ceilvalue = prompt("Please enter a number:");
alert('Ceil value of the number is::'+Math.ceil(ceilvalue));
3. floor() - This function provides the next lowest integer value.
Click on the floor button to explore the functionality.
<input onclick="floor()" type="button" value="floor" />
<script type="text/javascript">
function floor(){
floorvalue = prompt("Please enter a number:");
alert('Floor value of the number is::'+Math.floor(floorvalue));
Please note while using the ceil and floor function with (negative (-) values) the logic is different for example ceil value of -45.9 is -45 and not -46, similarly floor value of -27.8 is -28 and not -27.
5. random() - this number is used to generate random numbers of no particular order.
Click on the button and check that every time you are displayed with different values.
<input onclick="random()" type="button" value="Random" />
<script type="text/javascript">
function random(){
alert('Random number::'+Math.random());
6. max() - This function aids in finding the maximum value out of the given values.
<script type="text/javascript">
function max1(){
var t1=document.for1.txt1.value;
var t2=document.for1.txt2.value;
var t3=document.for1.txt3.value;
alert('Max value of the number is::'+Math.max(t1,t2,t3));
<form name="for1">
Enter the first number:<input name="txt1" type="text" /><br />
Enter the second number:<input name="txt2" type="text" /><br />
Enter the Third number:<input name="txt3" type="text" /><br />
<input onclick="max1()" type="button" value="Max value" />
7. min() - This function aids in finding the minimum value out of the given values.
<script type="text/javascript">
function min1(){
var t1=document.for2.tx1.value;
var t2=document.for2.tx2.value;
var t3=document.for2.tx3.value;
alert('Max value of the number is::'+Math.min(t1,t2,t3));
<form name="for2">
Enter the first number:<input name="tx1" type="text" /><br />
Enter the second number:<input name="tx2" type="text" /><br />
Enter the Third number:<input name="tx3" type="text" /><br />
<input onclick="min1()" type="button" value="Minimum value" />
8. round() - This function rounds to the next integer value.
Click on the round button to explore the functionality.
<input onclick="round()" type="button" value="Round" />
<script type="text/javascript">
function round(){
roundvalue = prompt("Please enter a number:");
alert('Round value of the number is::'+Math.round(roundvalue));
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